Winter brings its own set of challenges when it comes to deck maintenance. If you’re in Georgia or anywhere nationwide and you’re experiencing your first snowy season with a brand-new Brazilian hardwood deck, you might be wondering how to protect it. In this article, we’ll highlight the most crucial “DO NOTs” to keep in mind when dealing with snow on your deck.

Salt: A Cautionary Tale While salt is a go-to solution for melting ice on roads, it’s the last thing you should use on your beautiful Brazilian hardwood deck. The reason is simple – salt dissolves into water as it melts ice. This water infiltrates the cracks in your deck’s wood and seeps into areas where metal fasteners hold your deck together. The result? Corrosion. When corrosion sets in, it can lead to serious issues, including the risk of deck collapse. So, avoid using salt on your deck at all costs.

Tarp Covering: A Not-So-Bright Idea Covering your deck with a tarp might sound like a convenient solution to keep snow at bay. However, this approach can be detrimental to your deck’s health. When a tarp is laid over your deck, it restricts airflow. Without proper ventilation, your deck boards can start to warp and buckle, pulling away from the joists. This, in turn, exposes fasteners and cracked boards to the freeze and thaw cycles of winter, potentially leading to extensive damage. Instead of opting for a tarp, consider alternative methods to protect your deck from snow buildup.

Steel-Tipped Shovels: A Risky Move Using a steel-tipped shovel might seem like a quick fix for snow removal, but it can spell trouble for your deck. These shovels can easily scratch and gouge the deck boards. Not only are these scratches unsightly, but they can also trap snow, causing it to melt and refreeze, which gradually forces the boards apart. While minor scratches can be sanded out in the spring, deeper gouges will require the replacement of boards. To prevent this, it’s best to use rubber-tipped shovels, which are gentler on your deck’s surface.

Don’t let the winter weather get the best of your Brazilian hardwood deck. By avoiding these “DO NOTs” and practicing proper deck care, you can ensure your deck remains in pristine condition, whether you’re in Georgia or anywhere else across the nation.