Ipe wood, renowned for its exceptional durability and longevity, has expanded its utility beyond decking, proving ideal for a range of outdoor projects. While it may require a bit more effort to work with due to its robustness and dimensional stability, the investment pays off with a lifespan of up to 75 years. Today, we’ll guide you on creating a stunning Ipe fence that not only enhances your privacy but also adds a touch of elegance to your outdoor space.

Choosing the Straightest Boards Step 1: Select the straightest boards available from your shipment. This meticulous choice will significantly facilitate the fence-building process.

Preserving Wood Quality Step 2: Ensure the longevity of your Ipe boards by applying an end seal. This preventive measure protects the wood from potential cracking, splitting, and warping over time.

Accurate Measurements Are Key Step 3: Measure the area where the board will overlap with the post and mark the center of this overlapping part. This crucial step determines how the board will attach to the post.

Predrilling for Precision Step 4: Use a 1/8” drill bit and a 3/8” countersink bit to predrill a hole for the screw. This practice prevents unwanted cracking in the board.

Enhancing Attachment Strength Step 5: Enhance the attachment by applying construction adhesive on the post. Allow the adhesive to dry before securing the deck boards.

Securing the First Board Step 6: Attach one end of the board to the post, ensuring its level. This is the foundation for your horizontal Ipe fence.

Creating a Solid Connection Step 7: Utilize a biscuit joiner to set the proper depth for the clip you’re using. Practice on spare pieces to master the technique and avoid jeopardizing an entire board.

Seamless Clip Insertion Step 8: Insert Ipe clips into the groove to establish a secure connection.

Precise Predrilling Step 9: With the drill bit from the Ipe clip complete kit, predrill at a 45° angle before attaching the screws.

Maintaining Consistency Step 10: Measure from the first board to mark the next one, ensuring uniformity in your fence construction. Repeat steps 4-9 until your fence is complete.

Finishing Touches Step 11: Apply wood glue into the hole and secure the plug by tapping it with a hammer.

Seamless Surface Step 12: Use a Flush Cut Saw to eliminate any excess plug material, ensuring it’s flush with the board.

A Smooth Finish Step 13: Sand the top of the plug with a 120-grit orbital sander to achieve a smooth surface for your Ipe fence.

Customization Options Once your fence is complete, you have the choice to apply Ipe Oil for a polished look or leave it untreated to naturally weather to a graceful gray.

Pro Tip: Utilizing an orbital sander guarantees a smoother finish, as traditional pad sanders may leave noticeable scratches over time.

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