When it comes to installing Brazilian hardwood decking, you’re in for an adventure. The strength and density of woods like Ipe, Cumaru, Garapa, Massaranduba, Tigerwood, Purpleheart, and Brown Balau make fastening deck boards a challenging task. At Brazilian Wood Depot, headquartered in Atlanta, Georgia, we understand the trials of deck installation and are here to share some expert tips to make the process easier for both residential and commercial clients nationwide.

Mastering the Drill

Predrilling is a crucial step when working with Brazilian hardwood decking, but it’s not exclusive to these woods. Even softwoods like cedar and redwood require predrilling to prevent splitting. The key difference lies in the density of Brazilian hardwoods, which demands a bit more effort. Start by using sharp drill bits and countersinks, ensuring they’re in top condition. Drilling should be a patient process, allowing the drill bit to cut through the wood naturally. Forcing it will only lead to overheating, dull bits, and unnecessary delays.

Crafting Seamless Butt Joints

Creating tight butt joints is a challenge in all woodworking and decking projects. To ensure a perfect fit, take your time before driving screws into place. Hold the board up slightly at the joint, ensuring the unattached board is snug against the previous one. For alternative joints like scarf, bevel, or weather cuts, position the unfastened board a touch uphill of flush. Drive the first screw one joist over from the joint, which will keep the joint as tight as possible. This method minimizes the need for extensive rework and guarantees a polished finish.

Maintaining Precision

A well-installed deck is characterized by clean, straight lines. Gaps between deck boards should be consistent and free of wobbles. To achieve this:

  • Set your desired gap between deck boards.
  • Use a consistent spacer, such as an appropriately sized nail, to ensure uniform gaps.
  • Work with the natural curves of wood boards, cutting excessively bowed ones into shorter lengths.
  • Align your rows of decking carefully.

To hold the boards in place while setting screws, consider using a chisel, a cat’s paw (nail puller), or purpose-made board straightening devices. These tools provide the leverage needed to ensure a precise installation without struggling.

Take It Easy and Stay Cool

The secret to installing Brazilian hardwood decking smoothly is to slow down and work with patience. These high-density hardwoods are unforgiving, and rushing through the process can lead to mistakes. Keep your tools sharp, don’t force anything, and enjoy the journey. Picture a relaxing day at the beach with some soothing tunes, and you’ll breeze through your next deck installation.

At Brazilian Wood Depot, we understand the unique challenges of Brazilian hardwoods, and we’re here to make your decking project as stress-free as possible. Take advantage of our expertise and enjoy a seamless installation process, whether you’re in Georgia or anywhere else across the nation.