If you’re considering a home improvement project for your yard, building a fence is a classic choice. Choosing the right wood for your fence can have a significant impact on its aesthetic appeal and durability. While various materials like iron and steel are options, there’s something timeless about a wooden fence. Wood offers a wide range of colors, sizes, and shapes for your outdoor project.

At Brazilian Wood Depot, we’ve compiled a list of the best types of wood for your outdoor fence. We’ll guide you on how to select the ideal wood for your needs and discuss the potential advantages and disadvantages associated with each wood type.


Ipe, also known as Brazilian Walnut, is a top-tier choice for outdoor fencing. This dense, exotic hardwood boasts a beautiful deep brown color and tight grain pattern. It is naturally resistant to insects and decay, ensuring the longevity of your fence. While Ipe may be on the higher end in terms of cost, its durability and minimal maintenance requirements make it a worthwhile investment.


Cumaru, often referred to as Brazilian Teak, is another fantastic option for your outdoor fence. It exhibits a warm, reddish-brown hue and a striking grain pattern. Cumaru is highly resistant to pests and rot, making it an excellent choice for a long-lasting fence. Its affordability compared to some other exotic hardwoods adds to its appeal.


Garapa, or Brazilian Ash, is a cost-effective alternative that doesn’t compromise on quality. It features a light yellow to golden-brown color and a fine grain pattern. While it requires some maintenance to preserve its color, Garapa is resistant to insects and decay, ensuring your fence’s durability.


Massaranduba, often called Brazilian Redwood, is a durable and visually appealing wood option. It offers a deep, rich reddish-brown color and a fine grain pattern. This wood is naturally resistant to insects and decay, guaranteeing a long lifespan for your fence.


Tigerwood, with its striking orange-brown to reddish-brown color and unique black streaks, creates a visually stunning fence. It’s a durable choice that resists pests and decay, but it may require more maintenance to maintain its vibrant color.


Purpleheart is a distinctive wood with a deep purple to purplish-brown hue. While it adds a unique and vibrant aesthetic to your fence, it may require more care to maintain its color. This wood is naturally resistant to insects and decay.

Brown Balau

Brown Balau, also known as Malaysian Red Balau, is a budget-friendly option for your fence. It has a warm, reddish-brown color and a coarse grain pattern. While it may need regular maintenance to preserve its color, it offers decent resistance to pests and decay.

In addition to these Brazilian hardwood options, you can consider other types of wood for your outdoor fence, such as Douglas Fir, pressure-treated wood, tropical hardwood, and composite fencing.